Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan joined hands with to exclusively launch and manufacture his active lifestyle apparel and casual wear brand HRX – Push Your Extreme. The collection is a combination of style and substance with inspiration drawn from the actor’s active lifestyle. The range includes casuals and easy active wear in apparel along with sports footwear for men. These products are lightweight and made of premium fabrics crafted with a contemporary slim fit. The entire collection sports vibrant colours and brings the active lifestyle fashion on par with global fashion trends. On partnering with, Roshan says, “I always envisioned HRX to be a platform that could inspire people to bring out their best and to never give up. My team, Afsar Zaidi from Exceed and Sid Shah from The Wild East Group have taken my philosophy and turned it into a brand. Speaking on the launch, Mukesh Bansal, CEO and Co-Founder, Myntra says, We are very excited about the opportunity to build original indigenous brands in India. Hrithik Roshan has massive fan base and is widely respected for his passion for fitness. HRX is a very innovative brand with leading edge fashion that seamlessly merges active lifestyle, global fashion trends & Indian tastes. Source: Article, Reference-Image: |