Single window system aims to ‘elevate’ Nagaland tourism

Welcome gate christened ‘Unity Gate’ at Patkai Bridge junction NH-29 onwards towards Kohima. (Morung Photo)
Touted as one of the most critical aspects and approach to ‘elevate the tourism’ industry, the State’s Tourism department is planning to introduce the “Nagaland Tourism Department Single Window System (NTSW).” As per the Nagaland Tourism Policy (NTP) 2024, this system can be implemented by using Information Technology (IT) as an enabler to integrate all tourism related processes of the Department under a single platform. This will facilitate and monitor all tourism related activities in Nagaland through a single online mobile app based integrated end-to-end platform, it said. Among others, the system will register all tourism related businesses - home stays, tour operators, experience providers etc with the Department and regulate or monitor their activities. Tourists can easily access any information, plans and book trips completely online, easily and conveniently while it would be “ease of doing business” for tourism based entrepreneurs, the NTP maintained. Accurate tourism, e-Governance solution, facilitation and improved revenue generation are some of the benefits listed. The NTSW is among the host of tourism infrastructure and services development the NTP envisaged to boost tourism in Nagaland. In addition, the NTP called for introduction of the Nagaland Registration of Tourist Trade Act to provide for regulation and promotion of tourism by way of registration of persons dealing with the tourists and other related matters to ensure a coordinated and regulated development of the sector. Facilitation and accommodation: The State’s policy also suggested for setting up proper Tourist facilitation amenities at all State’s entry exit points noting that a visitor’s “first impression” is very much based on at the facilities available at airport, railway and bus stations. These points are especially important as permits are required to enter the State, it said. It will be the State Policy to provide transport services, information counters, telephone and internet facilities etc which will contribute in generating a tourist friendly atmosphere, the NTP said. Meanwhile, noting that hotels are vital segment of the tourism infrastructure, the NTP said that the State would endeavour to come out with list of Government approved or registered hotels and lodges under the State Tourist Trade Act. These entities would be expected to function within the laid down norms/guidelines of the Government and be subjected to regular inspection by a Committee, comprising of the Department of Tourism, Food and Sanitation, and the Police Administration, it informed. These approved hotels will feature in all the publication of the Department in the print as well as in the electronic media in India and abroad and will be eligible for incentives announced by the Government from time to time, it added. The NTP also plans to introduce Home stays or Special Paying Guest Scheme at some selected places or villages for providing affordable and hygienic accommodation for both domestic and foreign tourists. Selection of such places will be on need basis requirement and tourist potential area of the place. Appropriate regulatory guidelines will be brought out in this regard, it added. Reputed private entrepreneurs from outside the State will also be encouraged in the setting up of and management of quality and standard tourist infrastructures on a joint ventures basis, it added. It further asserted that all Tourist Lodges in the districts & sub- divisions should not be leased out to any sources or agencies. Transport and Inland Waterways: The NTP noted that in the absence of other means of transport within Nagaland such as Railways, Waterways etc, the State needs a huge boost in the development of transport infrastructures. The Department aims to address this by ensuring comfortable transportation options like coaches and taxis for tourists, whose services are mostly run by out-of-state companies, leading to revenue outflows, it said. Accordingly, to enhance the tourism transportation sector, the NTP stated that the Department through NIDC, NEDFI etc aims to introduce suitable schemes to encourage private tour operators/travel agents to operate tourist taxi/coaches etc, within the State. The Government may also take into account the possibility of procuring high-end tourist vehicles and minibuses on a subsidised model that may be run by locally registered tourism. It also underscored to have a competitive pricing policy and stated that efforts shall be made to regulate such practices in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders. The NTP also noted that developing inland waterways for tourism in Nagaland offer a wide range of opportunities as well as provide a sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to develop tourism. To this end, the Department would aim to identify suitable rivers or water bodies for developing inland waterways for guided boat tours and collaborate with engineering and environmental experts to design sustainable and eco-friendly waterway routes. Tour Operators and Agents: The NTP also plans to issue special permits to tour operators/travel agents who are registered with the Tourism Department in the interest of promoting tourism. These travel agents and tour operators will be granted all possible assistance from the State Government for accommodation, transportation, travel permits, liaisoning etc and will be eligible for all incentives of the State Government, it said. Barrier Free Access: To ensure inclusivity in tourism, the State will prioritise making tourist destinations accessible to people with different abilities and older persons, a growing group of consumers of travel, the NTP said. This entails incorporating barrier-free designs in all infrastructure projects funded with central assistance, both indoors and outdoors, it maintained. Staff training will emphasise treating individuals with courtesy and efficiency, providing comprehensive information on available services, and facilitating access to non-accessible services, including training guides in sign language, it added. Additionally, the policy aims to develop State Tourism Circuits by connecting significant sites across borders with other circuits. Leveraging social media for inspirational content and engagement is also part of the marketing strategy while educational and familiarisation trips for travel agents and tour operators will be organized to showcase Nagaland's diversity firsthand, it said. Participation in international travel fairs and exhibitions will be pursued annually to enhance visibility and engagement, the NTP added. Single window system aims to ‘elevate’ Nagaland tourism | MorungExpress |