JAN 24, 2023 MUMBAI: Reliance Jio on Tuesday announced the launch of its ‘True 5G' services across 50 cities. Calling it the "largest-ever" launch of its services, the company added that Jio's 5G services are now available across 184 cities. The company said that three new States/UT (Goa, Haryana & Puducherry) will get Jio True 5G from today. Additionally, Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla will inaugurate the services in Kota, while Harayan Home Minister Anil Vij will do the same in Haryana circle "We have stepped up the speed and intensity of True 5G rollout across the nation because we want every Jio user to enjoy the transformational benefits of Jio True 5G technology in the new year 2023. The entire nation will be able to enjoy and benefit from Jio True 5G services by December 2023," said a Jio Spokesperson in a press release statement. "We are grateful to the State Governments of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal for their continuous support in our quest to digitize every region," the spokesperson added. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched 5G services in India on October 1, 2022, during which he had said that the use of 5G technology will not be limited to speedy internet access, it has the capability to change lives. Copyright © Jammu Links News Source: Jammu Links News |