Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan launched the dramatic poster of his first fiction TV series titled “Yudh” on Wednesday (June 11) in New Delhi. The show is expected to go on air from July. Big B, who will be seen playing the role of construction company co-owner Yudhishthir Sikarwar in the TV series, unveiled the poster in the presence of his co-stars Sarika and Aahana Kumra, the show’s creative director Anurag Kashyap, and creative consultant Shoojit Sircar, among others. The poster of the series, directed by Ribhu Dasgupta, presents an intense-looking Amitabh running away in a blue suit against the backdrop of skyrising buildings amidst dust. “I play a construction company owner. There is business rivalry and family issues along with health issues which might be terminal…how he balances is what you will get to see,” Amitabh Bchchan told reporters at the poster launch. Co-produced by Amitabh’s production company Saraswati Creations with Endemol India, the show is being promoted as a “first of its own kind” TV series. “TV needs change and we always complain about it. I feel it (‘Yudh’) is cinema as a TV series,” said Sircar. Anurag Kashyap agreed: “It’s like cinema on screen. This is Mr. Bachchan at his best. We followed rules of cinema for the show. The approach…from script to sound design to editing, it’s same as it’s done in films.” The series will be aired on Sony Entertainment Television. Source: The Indian Express, What is Amitabh Bachchan’s ‘Yudh’ about? The promos of the forthcoming TV series “Yudh” have left audiences guessing the actual story of the show, but a source says the narrative will centre on the division of the business empire of the show’s protagonist, Amitabh Bachchan. Amitabh, who is making his debut in the fiction space on TV with “Yudh”, essays Yudhisthir Sikarwar aka Yudh, the owner of a construction company. Yudh has two wives. The first wife is named Gauri, essayed by veteran actress Sarika, with whom he has one daughter Taruni, a role played by Aahana Kumra. Yudh’s second wife is called Nayantara and Ayesha Raza will be seen in this role. From Nayantara, Yudh has a son named Rishi, portrayed by Pavail Gulati. “When Yudh comes to know about his illness, he wants to give his empire to Taruni. But Nayantara wants it to be divided and given to Rishi also. It’s the ‘yudh’ (battle) of this empire,” said the source. Co-produced by Amitabh’s production company Saraswati Creations with Endemol India, “Yudh” is being promoted as a “first of its own kind” TV series. With Anurag Kashyap on board as its creative director, Shoojit Sircar as creative consultant and Ribhu Dasgupta as its director, the much-awaited show is due to premiere Monday on Sony Entertainment Television. The finite series will then air every Monday to Thursday at 10:30 p.m. The Indian Express, Sarika: I agreed to be part of ‘Yudh’ for Amitabh Bachchan : Actress Sarika is making her small screen debut opposite Amitabh Bachchan in ‘Yudh‘ and she says it was because of the megastar that she agreed to be part of the fiction-based series. The 53-year-old actress has previously worked with Amitabh Bachchan in films like ‘Nastik’, ‘Satte Pe Satta’ and the yet-to-be released Shoojit Sircar film ‘Shoebite’. “I said yes to be part of ‘Yudh’ because of Mr Bachchan. We worked together in two films earlier. They were alright. Then we did ‘Shoebite’ together which was a brilliant experience. When they approached me for this series I had to say yes as I had a wonderful time working with him in ‘Shoebite,” Sarika said. The actress, last seen on the big screen in ‘Club 60′, says she is glad she decided to be a part of the series as she got the opportunity to work with great creative talent including director Ribhu Dasgupta, creative director Anurag Kashyap and her ‘Shoebite’ director Shoojit Sircar, who is the creative consultant, besides Amitabh Bachchan. “I am privileged to be part of ‘Yudh’. For me it is special because it is my first television experience. And I think I could not have got a better project than this to make my small screen debut. Everyone involved with this project is very talented be it the cast or the crew,” she said. ‘Yudh’ has been co-produced by Amitabh Bachchan’s production company Saraswati Creations and Endemol India. The show will air on Sony next month. Sarika’s daughters Shruti and Akshara with ex-husband Kamal Haasan are also in the film industry. While Shruti made a foray into films in 2009, her younger daughter Akshara is set to make her Bollywood debut opposite Amitabh Bachchan in R Balki’s next ‘Shamitabh’. “I feel a lot of happiness and lot of gratitude that we three are in the same space, working together at the same time and I think somebody up there has planned it and is being very nice to us,” she said. Source: Article, Open Images In New Tab Or Window (Browser)...........