Celebrity e-commerce platform, The Label Corp, which launches private labels across different categories with celebrity endorsements, has added a third chapter to its offerings. After roping in Sussanne Roshan for its home decor private label and Malaika Arora Khan for fashion products, the company has now got Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu for its next fashion accessories portal ‘The Trunk Label’. While the store yet to be launched is formally, homepage of the platform informs that it will be offering products like shoes, bags and jewellery styled by Bipasha Basu. Like the other two celebrities associated, even Basu might hold a stake in the venture. The Label Corp had raised its Series A round funding led by Kalaari Capital in August and had then announced plans to launch one more label by the end of this year. It plans to take the number of private labels under its kitty to five by the end of next year. The platform is the brainchild of Preeta Sukhtankar, a marketing professional and has worked with brands like Elle, MTV and Percept prior to launching The Label Corp. The Label Corp had previously raised angel funding from undisclosed investors. Source: Article, Images: wikimedia |