The first Indian Grand Prix had a fitting closure with Lady Gaga crooning to desi monsters. This was her maiden performance in India. She performed for 30 minutes at Arjun Rampal's closing party at LAP, Buddh International Circuit. But what really was the icing to the cake was her outfit. A Trun Tahiliani sari. It was a white, fitted body suit with side panel cutouts, encrusted with heavy gold and Swarvoski chains. Worn with a stylized, draped concept sari in lame and chiffon. Tarun Tahiliani says it was especially flattering that she mentioned towards the end of the concert that she could not wear the clothes she had originally brought with her after she saw Tahiliani. She completely transformed his signature sari drapes, first into a sarong drape, then she threw the pallu off and eventually she performed in the body suit with fish net stockings and Louboutins. Tahiliani says “It was her creative genius that made five different looks out of out of our pieces. The fact that she chose to wear Tarun Tahiliani through not only the day but also the night was an affirmation of our emphasis on fit and finish, as the fit on her was perfect.” Gaga too went gaga over the Tarun Tahiliani creation she wore for her concert. She said she had brought all sorts of clothes, but when she had to pick a dress and looked at what she had, she realized the Tahiliani sari was the prettiest. "So what I did was, I ripped this sari into shreds and I made it a little bit of New York," she said. The sari became a wrap dress, and Gaga being Gaga, one of her male dancers tore it from her body to leave her just in a teeny body suit midway through her performance. Source: Article,, Reference-Image: